I hope you have had a great week! Mine has been extremely busy....it's that time of year where work gets really busy and my crafting time is at a minimum. I received a couple crafty packages this week so I'm hoping I can do some crafty projects this weekend.
My hubby and I got married in 2007....here it is 4 years later and I still haven't created a scrapbook of my wedding pictures yet. Can you believe it? I keep meaning to get started on the album but just haven't seemed to get around to it.
As I was sitting at my computer this evening and watching TV, I got to thinking I could 'play' with the My Memories Suite software and do a digital layout of my wedding pictures. I have a friend whose albums are a mix of digital and traditional layouts...so I thought I would get started by doing a digital layout so I can print it out later and add it to the album when I start on the traditional layout pages.
If you haven't read my review of the My Memories Suite software, check it out here. Don't forget to leave a comment HERE for a chance to win a free copy of the My Memories Suite software.
Here is a layout I was able to put together in about 30 minutes using a pre-designed layout and customizing the paper and embellishments. The part that took the longest was deciding which pictures to use. :) I really like how it turned out - I prefer simple layouts and not a lot of embellishments, although you can add as many embellishments as you want with the software program.
These pics are of us cutting our cake - can you tell we had fun?
Thanks for stopping by....don't forget to go to my post from Monday to enter for a chance to win a free copy of the My Memories Suite.
Have a crafty day.....

2 Crafty Comments:
Hi, Jess!!! That digital layout is really pretty!!! Now aren't you glad, after 4 years, you finally got a page done?!!! LOL!!!
I'm laughing at the pictures because your DH looks like he just might not like the cake...lol!!!
Hugs, my friend
That's a lovely layout Jess, gorgeous photos. Why don't you put a post about your giveaway on the cricut MB? You would get tons of peeps coming over then.
Enfys x
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