Happy New Year!!!
I hope everyone had a safe and Happy New Year's celebration and that you have had a great start to 2011! I can hardly believe it's a new year already - 2010 seemed to go by so fast. I hope 2011 doesn't go by nearly as fast and that I am able to enjoy it.
I've been MIA again for a while, I know. I've actually been doing some crafting...but keep forgetting to take pictures and post them to by blog. However, I do have a couple pictures of projects/cards that I've completed over the last couple months that I hope to get posted in the near future. This is our busy season at work - starts in Sept and goes through end of Jan - so crafting has taken a bit of a back seat to everyday life and spending time with friends and family.
I hope everyone had a fabulous Holiday season. Christmas at our house was great. My hubby's family came over on Christmas Eve and we did our gift exchange - it was great. The week leading up to Christmas my hubby also rearranged the rooms upstairs, including my craft room, so I have a whole new scrapping space now...and it's much bigger! I'm still organizing it...but it's somewhat functional right now. Once I have it a bit more organized I'll share some pics of my new and bigger space.
Have you made any New Year's Resolutions? I generally try not to make them as I don't follow through and end up giving up on them shortly after New Year's. However, I am going to make a few goals for this year. My crafty goals for 2011 are:
- Take more pictures and focus more on Scrapbooking
- Learn to do more with my Gypsy.
- Learn to use the Imagine and use it more in my crafting.
- Build up a card stash so that I don't have to make a card at the last minute
- Post to my blog at least once a week - but hopefully more :)
My non-crafty goal for the year is to go to the gym and get in shape. My hubby and I signed up for a Planet Fitness membership the other day - so now I have to follow through and use the membership. So, what are your resolutions/goals for the New Year?
I wish each of you the best in the coming year! Have a great week!