Wow....I sure have been MIA for a lot longer than I intended. I have crafted some...but just haven't been around to post my projects. So, I'm going to try and post some of the projects I've made in the last couple months.
First on the agenda....a Retirement card I made for a co-worker. I made this card for my co-workers and I to sign and give to her - we also included a small monetary gift. :-)
For this card, I used the new cartridge Elegant Edges. I love this cartridge. If you are a fan of border punches this cartridge is a must have. Several of the cuts remind me of the punch around the page border punches - LOVE it!
This card is based on the sample project (12x12 scrapbook page) that is included at the front of the cartridge
handbook (see pg 10)...but I had to size it to fit on a 5" x 5" size card. The layers are cut using the Loops Key at the following sizes:
White - 5"
Dark Purple - 4 3/4"
Purple - 4 1/2"
White - 3" (Shadow Key)
Light Purple - 2 1/4" (Shadow Key)
I don't remember which cartridge I used to cut the "Congrats"....sorry. I thought I had written it down but it appears not. I also added a piece of ribbon that I had in my stash.
Thanks for stopping by...Have a great day.