It's been a while since my last's been a bit of a busy week. Wednesday I took the day off from work to go to school with my hubby for his CNA graduation. After we got home, I ran to Wal-Mart to see if they had any "goodies" in the crafting clearance section. I bought a couple small things but nothing major. After I got home, I decided to completely rearrange my craft room...I moved just about every piece of furniture and got everything situated the way I least I think so. :) today I was reading through the messages on the
Cricut messageboards and there was a post about
PageMaps. Interested, I decided to check it out. The site provides you with "maps" for scrapbooking layouts, cards, tags, etc. It is awesome! Since I'm not very creative when it comes to scrapbooking -- I tend to just arrange the photos and put on some stickers -- I am glad to have come across this site. The site owner puts up page maps each month and you can even look at the archives for maps from past months. You definitely ought to check it out, if you ever feel like you are in a rut or stumped.